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Mechanical Requirements

As of 2021

Advertiser hereby agrees to adhere to the following mechanical requirements:

  1. Deadlines: Space Closing- 7th day of each month, two months prior to issue date. Material Due- 14th day of each month, two months prior to issue date.

  2. Trim and Bleed Sizes: Trim size 8 x 10 3/4. Bleed page size 8-3/4 x 11-1/2. Important illustrations and type matter should be kept 3/8 from trim and 3/8 from gutter.

  3. Safety: 1/4” from trim. All elements not intended to trim, such as corner marks and positioning guides, must be located 1/4” outside of bleed dimensions.

  4. Method of Printing: Web offset, 4 color process.

  5. Printing Materials: Electronic (email) files send to Publisher

  6. Depth of Column: 140 lines, three columns to a page- total 420 lines.

  7. Binding Methods: Saddle-stitch and perfect-bound.

  8. SWOP-recommended standards for advertising material for web offset printing will apply.

  9. Proofing: Use Publication Stock conforming to SWOP standards. Standard proofing paper is basic weight paper of 70 (nominal) brightness. Chromalins and match prints are acceptable.

  10. Minimum Requirement and Size Unit: Space less than 1/6 page charged line rate. Size unit 14 lines (one inch).

  11. Inserts: For insertion information and specifications, contact Publisher.

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Rate Card

Full Color Ad for 3 Months

Regular Price

  • Business card 

  • 1/4 page

  • 1/3 page

  • 1/2 page

  • 2/3 page

  • Full page 

  • Inside cover

  • Inside back cover 

  • Back cover






Discounted Price







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